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Chinese Whispers Revealed!

Team 1

Wendy Collins

Tilly Frilly O'Neil

Willa Coates

Mary Dennis

Team 2

Shannon Colburn Blinn

Cara Smith

Kathy Sonnier McEllfresh

Lynn Burbidge

Team 3

Sarah Adams Maclean

Laura Meek

Kimberly C. Payne


Its been so exciting this is probably one of the best Chinese Whispers we have held. the enthusiasm from the group has been amazing their ideas have been fresh and new i was so excited to show them the final result.

Each Monday the ladies would send me their finished pages for the previous week, these pages were their interpretation of their team mates original designs which have been passed down to each team mate in turn.The idea of this challenge is to reveal the final page once every team mate has interpreted all the pages.

How alike the original page would they be?

Have the team mates maintained the main elements of the page?

I have made 3 videos for this competition one for each of the three teams. These will be uploaded asap. there are also the team pictures and each individuals pictures quite alot of work I have to say. Keeping everyone's pages in the correct order when some arrived early and some late and some even arrived via team mates was a nightmare and there has been some minor sequence issues, hopefully now rectified.

Team 1 Wendy Collins one of our longest and loyalist members such a gem her design and the teams interpretations

Tilly is new to our group and so lovely this is her design then the teams interpretations

Willa's oh my what a gem of a lady this is her original and the teams interpretation

This is our Mary shes probably one of the nicest people ive met, its her original and her team mates interpretations

Stay tuned for teams 2 and 3

I hope you enjoy the presentations I'm really proud of my teams they are fab ladies who's pages are fantastic, its been worth all the hard work just too get too where we are now.

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