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Dancing on the Managravat River

Hello thanks for joining me today I have already show me the photographs of our wedding so I won't bore you with the details but doing the crop layout tiles for ‘sticking its down’ inspired me two crop these last 2 photos

So I say this is quite a short video the reason for this is that I have cut out 80% of my thinking time whereby I change my mind three times lol.So what you see is the actual process, fare enough speeded up, but it didn't actually take that long. The silhouette was a cut file I've had for ages and I used the scan and cut for this and black card stock.

Originally I was going to use three photographs but because of the size of the silhouette, it looked over crowded, so I decided not too. I chose two out of the three to use and definitely made the right decision, anyway I hope you enjoy this video and please keep tuned for further videos as I'm heading editing currently several happy crafting Julie x

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