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Frustrations! SVG & STUDIO cut files

We all have them from time to time but these particular frustrations don't seem to be improving so my thought process was a problem shared is a problem halved.

This blog has quickly become my diary so I apologize if you don't find this as interesting as I find frustrating.

So whats the problem? its my scan n cut and now the portrait also. I'm not particularly tech minded and ask my husband if I need help yet even he is stumped by how hard it is to actually get cut files onto the machine your using so that it recognizes the file. The Snc is driving me insane!

The files I have managed to get are fabulous but the thing is once you v'e used an amazing file, you cant use it again for sometime as its already been seen. So I hardly use the machine now as I'm having so much problem so i just cant be bothered with it. Now thats a lot of money for something I hardly use £450!

I spend hours searching for files SVG, FCM then convert them if needed, download onto the memory stick then put into the machine and maybe a couple appear but no where near the quantity I uploaded ggggrrrrr So what am I doing wrong ? apparently watching videos, nothing, so why don't they work?

I now don't bother its so frustrating and is not worth the man hours spent. The best way to do this is via the canvass. It recognizes the files instantly, however you can only upload one at a time to the project, unless there is another way, someone can advise? so the frustration continues.

I am yet to crack the scan n cut but have used it for many pages I just find the whole process of getting the files really tedious. I think that the reason the files don't always work is because unlike the FCM files the SVG's arn't specifically designed for the scan n cut. the format is widely used for 100's of uses

So whilst searching for said SVG & FCM files I kept coming across some fabulous studio files, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't convert to SVG, thats because you can't lol! Because of this and the frustrations with the SNC hubby bought me the portrait , Its so tiny!! Well I have to say, looking at the silhouette studio its gonna take a while to learn how this baby works but the one thing I have learnt really quickly, is how to upload the studio files to the library within the studio so you can use it, is so easy.

No messing around bish, bash, bosh job done, no conversions needed. For that reason alone, I am seriously thinking of changing my scan n cut to the Cameo 3. Before I decide I will learn the silhouette studio so my decision is based on more than one area. Please do comment with any advice or tips on either machine i would be most grateful.

Catch up soon Juliex

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