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New techniques tried today

Yes thats right I tried something new today but I guarantee its already been done before lol. That's the thing about scrap booking, its worldwide and has been going for years especially in the US where they are so lucky to have so many stores, crops, groups, designers and friends that enjoy the same desire to scrapbook their memories.

In the UK I've found that theirs areas where our 'hobby' has taken off and the online suppliers are reaping the benefits but surely there has to be more stores opened in the UK, to satisfy that 'smell of new paper' obsession we all have?

Seriously though the more stores there are, the more competitive the market becomes and the consumer will then benefit. Either that or I move to the US tee hee.

Anyway, today I decided to try something new for the sheer hell of it, that and the fact that I want to get as good as I possibly can be. My next move is in to mixed media, so this was a good start. I have attempted a mixed media page before (above), my daughters wedding 18 months ago.

I didn't even know what Gesso was let alone how to use it, this took me quite a while to present this as a complete page and at the time I was pleased with the result however my thinking is this....if this were my first attempt and feedback was that it was pretty good then surely the rule of logic suggests that with practice I should be able to produce some good pieces of work.

So onto today's page entitled Son-shine

To create the back round first I used Gesso to line the white card stock,once this was dry I then I used Geletos on acetate with water and smudged the paint onto the page whilst pushing the paint around called 'swooshing'.

I then, once all colors were on the card stock used a varying Dots stencil by the lovely Heidi Swap with a baby wipe or damp cotton wool and slightly removed some of the paint from some of the stenciled pattern. I then used some white paste and a small lid to create the white circles.

Once dry I programmed in the scan n cut canvass the letters which made up the titles.It was important to my design that each letter was a frame in itself for the varied choice of patterned papers I had selected from my scraps.Carefully drawing around the outside of each letter then fussy cutting them out I then used tacky glue to attach the paper to the letter frames. The two pictures were mounted on different coloured pattered paper one pink and one blue to match the back round work. they were then stuck down with white foam and double sided tape.

Using white acrylic paint and a very thin brush I carefully highlighted some of the circled made with the paste. and then added a small amount of ephemera to decorate here and there.

Finally I used a gold stripped journalling card tucked behind the pictures to detail my day and then yellow sewing thread scrunched up behind some of the letters, which gave an added dimension to the page.

I do hope to be able to edit the video i have recorded shortly however my phone has now been returned as will not hold a charge, fingers crossed its a quick turn around!

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